
The time, money and effort saved by successful arbitration or mediation means that CESCON are frequently asked to address a variety of disputes in the insurance market including:
- Coverage issues
- Policy wording disputes
- Policy avoidance issues
- Breach of warranty or breach of condition
- Product liability claims, including product safety and recall
- Professional negligence, especially of insurance brokers
- Property damage
- Business interruption
- Environmental and pollution
- Energy and aviation
- Claims under defective title and restrictive covenant insurance policies
- Directors’ and officers’ claims
Reinsurance Arbitration
Many reinsurance disputes are arbitrated, giving rise to issues such as effective selection of arbitrators, understanding of industry custom and practice and procedural disputes respecting arbitration panel authority. Having arbitrated in many reinsurance disputes, we offer clients a comprehensive understanding of the principles, customs and practices unique to the reinsurance industry and reinsurance arbitration.
We have extensive experience with insurance dispute resolution services in Panama like the procedural disputes typical in reinsurance arbitrations, including pre-hearing security, consolidation, challenges to arbitrators and arbitrator subpoena power.
Services provided CESCON as experts in insurance dispute resolution services in Panama include:
- Appointment of arbitrators
- Amount under dispute determines the number of arbitrators
- Operating panels of international and local arbitrators
- Free information service and assistance on dispute resolution in Panama
- Arbitration rules
- Arbitration rooms in a prime and convenient location in the business district in Panama City
- Facilities including transcription, translation, video conferencing, catering, telecommunications etc.